Welcome to the Home Page for my Charis Bible Study. I attended and graduated from Charis Bible College and would love to share with you some of the insights/revelations that I received from Andrew and other incredible instructors on Grace and Faith through my Charis Bible Study. We will be using one of Andrew Wommack’s 26 study guides to do a deeper dive into God’s love and how Grace and Faith work together. I look forward to having you as part of our Study and the discussions that we will have during each lesson. If you have any questions about my studies, don’t hesitate to use the “Contact Email” button above to send me your questions.
My name is Fanny Scarbrough and I have the privilege and honor to serve Andrew and Jamie and this amazing Ministry. Before I joined AWMI, God had given me different opportunities to serve in His Kingdom: teaching in children’s ministry, leading kids worship, serving at church, serving as a full-time missionary to various Spanish-speaking countries, teaching at Bible College, mentoring young college girls, preaching, and teaching/training leaders and members of the Body of Christ. Through all of this, I have become the richest and most hopeful person.
Para Español:
Bienvenido y GRACIAS POR VISITAR la página de inicio de mi estudio bíblico Charis. Asistí y me gradué de Charis Bible College y me encantaría compartir con ustedes algunas de las ideas y revelaciones que recibí de Andrew, y de los otros increíbles instructores sobre Gracia y Fe, por medio de mi Estudio Bíblico Charis. Usaremos una de las 26 guías de estudio de Andrew Wommack para profundizar en el amor de Dios y en cómo la Gracia y la Fe trabajan juntas. Espero tenerlos como parte de nuestro Estudio, para interactuar con opiniones e intercambios de ideas durante cada lección. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre mis estudios, no dude en usar el botón "Correo electrónico de contacto" de arriba para enviarme sus preguntas.
Mi nombre es Fanny Scarbrough y tengo el privilegio y el honor de servir a Andrew y Jamie y a este increíble Ministerio. Antes de unirme a AWMI, Dios me dio diferentes oportunidades para servir en Su Reino: enseñar y dirigir la alabanza en el ministerio de niños, servir en la iglesia, servir como misionero de tiempo completo en diferentes países de habla hispana, enseñar en un Colegio Bíblico, ser mentor de jóvenes estudiantes de la Palabra, predicar y enseñar/entrenar a líderes y miembros del Cuerpo de Cristo. En resumen, he sido enriquecida y me he convertido en la persona más afortunada, enriquecida y llena de esperanza.
Who’s the Variable? Romans 11:29 reveals, “The gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” Therefore, the Lord isn’t the one who comes and goes in your life. You do perceive His presence, anointing, and joy stronger at times, but it’s not God giving and then withdrawing from you. Very few people understand this. Most Christians bombard heaven, crying, “O God, what’s wrong? Please touch my life again. I want a fresh touch from You. Lord, please come and do something new in my life today!” When you pray that way, you’re insulting God. You’re assuming that whenever you feel dry and empty, whenever you lose your peace, joy, or whatever, that God is the one who withdrew from you. Not true! Popular teaching today insinuates that the reason you aren’t walking in God’s love, peace, and joy is because you’ve done something to displease Him. Therefore, it mainly centers on what you can do to “please” God and get His power “back” in your life again. This is never the case, because the Lord has never withdrawn from you. God isn’t the variable—you are! Therefore, everything I’m going to share centers on how you can fix yourself. This won’t be a lesson on how to bombard the gates of heaven and “make” God do something. He’s already done everything through the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. God wants you blessed even more than you do! If you aren’t full of God today, it’s you who have chosen it. Even though you may strongly desire to stay full of God, you’ve made choices that have prevented you from receiving and manifesting His love, joy, peace, healing, and prosperity. However, there’s good news: God’s Word shows us four things we can do to fix our receivers. That’s what these Lessons are all about.