On Easter Day 2020 I was sitting in the living room with my husband when God spoke to my heart about starting a Charis Bible Study. I didn't feel I was ready but how could I tell God 'No'? I said, Ok, but when? He said, Today. Who do I invite? God brought four people to my mind. I reached out to all four and all four accepted. So we began that very day. As a 2nd year Charis Bible College graduate I reached out to the Charis Bible Studies coordinator and explained what God had urged me to do. Soonafter, I became an official leader and created my very first online Zoom bible study. Since then, I am witnessing Believers in Singapore, Spain, Uganda, Nigeria, Canada, as well as all over the U.S. be transformed by the anointed Word of God through Andrew's teachings. Week after week my participants are transforming right before my eyes. God is faithful! Each week we begin our Zoom one-hour before our scheduled study time to enjoy 30-minutes of fellowship time and 30-minutes of worship before the actual study begins. We also periodically share in Communion together via Zoom. These studies have been an incredible time of growth for us all. ~Maria Elena Carpenter