• Kim Diaz Date: 05/31/2023

    I have been struggling to renew my mind. I've believed in so many human beliefs that made me seem stuck for many years. I have been led to different interpretations, got almost tired, until I was finally led to Charis teachings. Then, I was led to join a bible study group here in Charis, and every meeting deals with me differently. For this testimony, I would like to share about two special events that happened to me. On my first attendance, during the sharing, I got enlightenment and encouragement to overcome my fear of speaking in tongues. I had the baptism of the Holy Spirit seven years ago, and had been praying and desiring to speak in tongues but didn't know what was blocking it. Our group talked about this gift one time and it just enlightened me. So I now fully embraced this beautiful gift. Another amazing thing happened after our leader prayed for all of us. He specifically mentioned healing for the back and shoulders. And I silently told myself, was he talking about me, I believe this is for me. The next few days, I remembered to give it a check. My back that I got used to having for years. And truly, my uneven, swollen back for years were healed. The hump on the right was now even to the left. And together with my arms that I couldn't lift up straight for months were healed. I told my children about it. And they saw it was even. Jesus is amazing. I know it's Him. He is my Healer. And each week, since I started joining. I am slowly realizing certain beliefs that I stored in me that are actually not what it says in the bible. Letting go of certain things one by one. I am having revelations that I couldn't fully explain yet. All I know is, it's going to be beautiful. I am thankful for this study. I am grateful. Praise Jesus!"