Tony and Trish Bosquez Missions Trip to Kenya Testimonies June 4, 2021 – June 17, 2021 Trish graduated from the third-year Global Training program in Colorado in 2020, and Tony will be in his second year at Charis Minnesota in the Fall of 2021. We host three Charis bible studies a week. We were called by God to be part of a Mission Team to Kenya in June, 2021. We ministered to the Massai people in eastern Kenya, and camped in the deep bush of the Loita Hills, which are 8,000 feet above sea level and close to the Tanzania border. It’s a remote area with no roads, electricity or running water. Maurice and Erica, a young, married couple who live at the base camp at the foot of the mountains, led the team. There were nine of us from the USA, local pastors, graduates from the bible college at the base camp, drivers, spearmen, and four chefs on the team. At night, the spearmen kept a large bonfire going to keep the wild animals away. During the trip, approximately 1,100 accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, including a Witch Doctor. Two villages donated plots of land to plant churches. We always pointed those who were saved to local churches that the base camp graduates are planting. Some of these churches are over 8 miles from the villages, but this walking is normal for the Massai to get where they’re going. We moved from village to village and ministered at two schools. In one village, seven people who had just attended a pagan ceremony were saved. They still had painted faces when they arrived to listen to us. They sometimes sacrifice animals at these ceremonies, and Witch Doctors perform other rituals as well. Once they were saved, the interpreters passed on the message that there is no need for the ceremonies any more. At the end of our time in that village, we all circled up and prayed with all of them. They said, “We’re all brothers and sisters now!†On a different day, the team went to “Market Dayâ€, in a small town to do a crusade. We started by singing national songs and dancing. The crowd grew to around over 200 people. We gave our testimonies and Maurice preached the Good News. Most of the crowd was saved. When the team had arrived at the Market, there was a man across the street with a large gathering around him. We hoped his crowd would come across the street and they did! They sang and danced and eventually were offered salvation along with the entire crowd. It turned out that the man across the street was a drug dealer, and he came over too, and said to Maurice, “Man of God, I need to change my life. I need a new way of living. He accepted Jesus right there. Maurice was crying as they hugged and swayed in the market square for quite a while. Trish was standing behind them, and will never forget seeing that with her own eyes. It was so powerful! The love of God changed this man’s life. When we returned from the trip, Tony said, “It opened my heart to spread the Good News to many people and be prompt to obey when God gives me an assignment. No more discussions with God about why I should stay home and do other things for a couple of weeks. There are so many other stories of Holy Ghost connections, that are so miraculous that only God could have done them. There were entire families saved. We were so moved by these experiences that we will never be the same. We both grew in our personal relationships with Jesus. Now we can say, with all humbleness, that there is no better experience than to live and breathe God’s call to help the Lord save the lost at every opportunity.