My name is Brenda Miller, and I live in Canada. I would like to share with you the great blessing I have experienced by participating in the Charis Bible Study, Spirit, Soul, and Body! Initially I felt uncertain about taking part in the study, as I was not at all comfortable with using video or audio. The thought of being in video sessions with others I had never met to share about things I never understood seemed scary. Today I can only thank God for working through Andrew Wommack and those who have graduated from Charis Bible College for obediently following God's will and generously giving of their time and talents to offer these Bible Studies! My leader in the Spirit, Soul, and Body Study was Maria Carpenter, and from the first moment I entered the Zoom room, I felt welcome. The joy of the Lord that Maria emanated was contagious, and Tuesday evenings became one of my favorite times of the week! It wasn't long before there was no doubt in my mind that I would be enrolling in further Charis Bible Studies! (I have since joined the Discipleship Evangelism Study with Maria, and tonight we are studying Lesson 2! I am excited to be continuing relationships with those I met in Spirit, Soul, and Body, as well as to be getting to know new brothers and sisters around the world!) It is impossible to express how much I learned as a result of participating in the Spirit, Soul, and Body study, and I am so very grateful that I made the decision to step out and say NO! to the enemy's attempt to hold me back through fear and doubt. For the first time, I have an understanding that I am a spirit, I have a soul, and I live in a body! And I am able to study the Word with clarity instead of confusion, as well as with an excitement and joy that I had never before experienced! Furthermore, and most importantly, thanks to Maria and the others in our Study Group, I now know I am part of a family of brothers and sisters who belong to Jesus - a family that can never be separated by time or distance! Thank you to Andrew Wommack and Charis Bible College for these Bible Studies! I encourage everyone to sign up and begin an experience that I know will be a blessing to them and that they will never regret!