On this page you will find testimonies of people that have been touched by Charis Bible Studies. These testimonies are from Group Leaders, Attendees and others whose lives have been changed by a Charis Bible Study.
My name is Brenda Miller, and I live in Canada. I would like to share with you the great blessing I have experienced by participating in the Charis Bible Study, Spirit, Soul, and Body!
Initially I felt uncertain about taking part in the study, as I was not at all comfortable with using video or audio. The thought of being in video sessions with others I had never met to share about things I never understood seemed scary. Today I can only thank God for working through Andrew Wommack and those who have graduated from Charis Bible College for obediently following God's will and generously giving of their time and talents to offer these Bible Studies!
My leader in the Spirit, Soul, and Body Study was Maria Carpenter, and from the first moment I entered the Zoom room, I felt welcome. The joy of the Lord that Maria emanated was contagious, and Tuesday evenings became one of my favorite times of the week! It wasn't long before there was no doubt in my mind that I would be enrolling in further Charis Bible Studies! (I have since joined the Discipleship Evangelism Study with Maria, and tonight we are studying Lesson 2! I am excited to be continuing relationships with those I met in Spirit, Soul, and Body, as well as to be getting to know new brothers and sisters around the world!)
It is impossible to express how much I learned as a result of participating in the Spirit, Soul, and Body study, and I am so very grateful that I made the decision to step out and say NO! to the enemy's attempt to hold me back through fear and doubt. For the first time, I have an understanding that I am a spirit, I have a soul, and I live in a body! And I am able to study the Word with clarity instead of confusion, as well as with an excitement and joy that I had never before experienced! Furthermore, and most importantly, thanks to Maria and the others in our Study Group, I now know I am part of a family of brothers and sisters who belong to Jesus - a family that can never be separated by time or distance!
Thank you to Andrew Wommack and Charis Bible College for these Bible Studies! I encourage everyone to sign up and begin an experience that I know will be a blessing to them and that they will never regret!
Tony and Trish Bosquez
Missions Trip to Kenya Testimonies
June 4, 2021 – June 17, 2021
Trish graduated from the third-year Global Training program in Colorado in 2020, and Tony will be in his second year at Charis Minnesota in the Fall of 2021. We host three Charis bible studies a week. We were called by God to be part of a Mission Team to Kenya in June, 2021. We ministered to the Massai people in eastern Kenya, and camped in the deep bush of the Loita Hills, which are 8,000 feet above sea level and close to the Tanzania border. It’s a remote area with no roads, electricity or running water. Maurice and Erica, a young, married couple who live at the base camp at the foot of the mountains, led the team. There were nine of us from the USA, local pastors, graduates from the bible college at the base camp, drivers, spearmen, and four chefs on the team. At night, the spearmen kept a large bonfire going to keep the wild animals away. During the trip, approximately 1,100 accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, including a Witch Doctor. Two villages donated plots of land to plant churches. We always pointed those who were saved to local churches that the base camp graduates are planting. Some of these churches are over 8 miles from the villages, but this walking is normal for the Massai to get where they’re going. We moved from village to village and ministered at two schools. In one village, seven people who had just attended a pagan ceremony were saved. They still had painted faces when they arrived to listen to us. They sometimes sacrifice animals at these ceremonies, and Witch Doctors perform other rituals as well. Once they were saved, the interpreters passed on the message that there is no need for the ceremonies any more. At the end of our time in that village, we all circled up and prayed with all of them. They said, “We’re all brothers and sisters now!†On a different day, the team went to “Market Dayâ€, in a small town to do a crusade. We started by singing national songs and dancing. The crowd grew to around over 200 people. We gave our testimonies and Maurice preached the Good News. Most of the crowd was saved. When the team had arrived at the Market, there was a man across the street with a large gathering around him. We hoped his crowd would come across the street and they did! They sang and danced and eventually were offered salvation along with the entire crowd. It turned out that the man across the street was a drug dealer, and he came over too, and said to Maurice, “Man of God, I need to change my life. I need a new way of living. He accepted Jesus right there. Maurice was crying as they hugged and swayed in the market square for quite a while. Trish was standing behind them, and will never forget seeing that with her own eyes. It was so powerful! The love of God changed this man’s life. When we returned from the trip, Tony said, “It opened my heart to spread the Good News to many people and be prompt to obey when God gives me an assignment. No more discussions with God about why I should stay home and do other things for a couple of weeks. There are so many other stories of Holy Ghost connections, that are so miraculous that only God could have done them. There were entire families saved. We were so moved by these experiences that we will never be the same. We both grew in our personal relationships with Jesus. Now we can say, with all humbleness, that there is no better experience than to live and breathe God’s call to help the Lord save the lost at every opportunity.
I want you all to know that our group, which is composed of current and graduate Charis students, has truly enjoyed our Spirit, Soul & Body study! We have had some wonderful discussions and love our time of fellowship!
The Charis Bible Study group I am a part of has enabled me to connect on a regular basis with fellow believers. Experiencing the uniqueness of each individual in the group and what they bring to the table from honest hearts. Learning the application of spiritual truths from the different experiences of Andrew Womack as well as members in my group.
Healing testimony from the Leesburg, IN Charis Bible Study:
We have been studying Healing University. One brother, Gary, had been standing against pain in his hip and in both feet. It was difficult for him to get around. However, he would take the notes from each study and read and confess the Scriptures each night last thing before going to sleep. Then one morning all the pain was gone!
This was an application of how our Lord said the Kingdom works in Mark 4. The seed of the Word was planted in the soil of a good heart and eventually produced fruit.
An observation: I am reminded that healing is a gift. Gary looked like he had cause for having pain in his hip and feet. However, the seed of the Word of God produced healing which is enabling him to become more active and fit.
When Gary went back to the doctor for a follow-up the Holy Spirit gave him a word of knowledge regarding the doctor. Gary received the revelation that this doctor is a Christian and that the Lord desired this man to spend more time with Him.
Gary said to the doctor, “You are a Christian.†The doctor replied that, yes, he is a believer. Then Gary told him, “The Lord wants you to spend more time with Him.†The doctor told Gary that he would seriously take that to heart.
Heidi Bellerue is sharing the healing testimony of a young man who attends some of her Charis Bible Studies. His name is Emmanual, and he lives in the city of Juba in the country of South Sudan.
Emmanuel is from a heavily Roman Catholic area. His family was planning to send him to be a priest, when a friend shared teaching from Andrew Wommack. Emmanuel became hungry for more of the Word, found the Charis Bible Study site, and subsequently Heidi’s online Healing University study.
Emmanuel has been attending Bible studies as much as he is able, considering the unreliable and expensive internet access in the region he lives in. But Emmanuel is diligent to try to attend, even when the Bible studies are scheduled for 3:00 am Africa Central Time.
Emmanual was teaching in a school at the time he became sick – the following is his description of events:
“I felt the symptoms when I was in the school, I taught one stream and can't go for the second stream. I then when into the office and prayed there. I rested for a while, but it was kind of increasing. My entire body was shaking or shivering with extreme coldness that when I stood up I would fall down. So instead of resting like that, I took a step walking from there to the embassy as an action to my confession of being healed. I walked some distance but it is really ain't working out, and instead became worse and worse. It was at 9 am in the morning. Finally, I can't move anymore and admitted to that hospital, and even to explain to the doctor became a problem.
But after the diagnosis, they found Bffm +++, which is the third stage of Malaria or something like that, meaning the bacteria was too much in the body. And some typhoid was found. The doctor prescribed some injections for one week and then after that I should be taken for follow up, then take some pills.
But I told him I am ok with the pills, no need for the other stuffs. And he was like, no the malaria I got was heavy and stuff like that. But I insisted until he changed the first prescription and gave me new one having only tablets. And then I left that hospital at 10 am. Yeah, I took one hour there and then came home rest a little, and after that.
My body recovered!â€
I have been struggling to renew my mind. I've believed in so many human beliefs that made me seem stuck for many years. I have been led to different interpretations, got almost tired, until I was finally led to Charis teachings.
Then, I was led to join a bible study group here in Charis, and every meeting deals with me differently. For this testimony, I would like to share about two special events that happened to me.
On my first attendance, during the sharing, I got enlightenment and encouragement to overcome my fear of speaking in tongues. I had the baptism of the Holy Spirit seven years ago, and had been praying and desiring to speak in tongues but didn't know what was blocking it. Our group talked about this gift one time and it just enlightened me. So I now fully embraced this beautiful gift.
Another amazing thing happened after our leader prayed for all of us. He specifically mentioned healing for the back and shoulders. And I silently told myself, was he talking about me, I believe this is for me. The next few days, I remembered to give it a check. My back that I got used to having for years. And truly, my uneven, swollen back for years were healed. The hump on the right was now even to the left. And together with my arms that I couldn't lift up straight for months were healed. I told my children about it. And they saw it was even. Jesus is amazing. I know it's Him. He is my Healer.
And each week, since I started joining. I am slowly realizing certain beliefs that I stored in me that are actually not what it says in the bible. Letting go of certain things one by one. I am having revelations that I couldn't fully explain yet. All I know is, it's going to be beautiful. I am thankful for this study. I am grateful. Praise Jesus!"