Study Information


Study Leader:
Rhonda  Hurst
Study Name:
Spirit, Soul & Body - 23 Lessons
Child Care?:
Study Location:
Archived :
Not Available
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Study Type:
Start Date:
Study Length:
1 Hour 30 Mins.
Date & Time Of Week:
Monday - 7:00 pm EST (UTC-05:00)
Co-Leader Email:

 Message for Attendees 

Greetings to anyone considering this study. My name is Rhonda Hurst. I am a 2022 Charis Ministry School graduate and have been teaching Charis bible studies since the fall of 2021. What a blessing it has been to meet believers from all over the United States and from around the world! Many joined us several studies ago and have continued to sign up when we start a new one. How wonderful to grow together as part of the family of God! We meet by Zoom on Mondays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time. The Zoom opens at 6:45 for those who want to chat awhile first. Then we spend the first hour going through the study together. We only use the main lesson part of the material. The outline, study questions, etc. are used by those who want to do them later on their own. During the last thirty minutes, we share testimonies and prayer requests, then we enter into a faith-filled prayer time. We experience the powerful presence of God every week and have received too many miraculous answers to count! We usually have 15-20 in a study and would love to have you join in! Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. My number is 517-392-0172. Blessings to you!!!