The revelation of God’s Word contained in this study has the potential to transform your life. As you begin to understand and exercise your authority as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, Satan will flee, and God’s power and blessings will manifest in your life greater than ever before.
We are in a spiritual battle! Every single day, there is a battle raging in the spirit realm for the heart of each individual person, society, and the world as a whole. God is trying to draw people toward Himself and righteousness. He’s trying to influence people to live consistent with Him so that His blessings can manifest in their lives. At the same time, Satan is trying to steal their hearts away from God. In an all-out battle against the Lord and His kingdom, the Enemy is pouring all
the trash and corruption he can into people’s lives.
In this study, you will learn who you are in Jesus Christ our Lord and the authority HE gave you over all the power of the enemy.
Join me and other believers from around the world as we take our place of authority in Christ Jesus.