Study Information


Study Leader:
Kenneth  Williams
Study Name:
Living In The Balance Of Grace And Faith - 20 Lessons
Child Care?:
Study Location:
Archived :
Not Available
Study Size:
Display name:
Study Type:
Start Date:
Study Length:
2 Hours
Date & Time Of Week:
Saturday - 4:00 pm EST (UTC-05:00)
Co-Leader Email:

 Message for Attendees 

I always like to have a short meeting for approximately 15 minutes or so, so that those who have chosen my Bible study can meet me and ask me any questions they have about my Bible study and the way that I teach. And not only do you get to ask me questions, but I can also ask you questions about what you expect from a Bible study. All in all, this meeting which I call an introduction meeting is just for us to get together for a short time and get the questions that we have out of the way. In that way, I would come to understand what you expect from me and you will understand what I expect from you also. I must add that it is not necessary for you to come to the introductory meeting, but I would truly appreciate it if you did.
The first meeting will be on January 6, 2024, from 4 PM to 6 PM. The introduction meeting will be on December 30, 2023, at 4 PM.

Ken Williams Lighthouse Bible Study