This is Julius the facilitator of Charis Bible Study here in Newport News. We meeting In Person and Virtually. I wanted to give you the contact info so you can join us virtually or In Person. We are currently using Zoom with this study along with live streaming on YouTube and Facebook Live. We begin at around 7pm every other Wednesday night in Virginia Beach and on Thursdays in Newport News. Hope you can join us.
Below is our physical meeting address if you are ever in the area and want to join us in person is for the Study in Virginia Beach or Virginia Beach:
Newport News Charis Bible Study
700 Tech Center Parkway
Second Floor
Newport News, VA 23602
(Both Locations are secured so you would need to contact me prior to entry into the building)
You Tube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLRNKkHr04mf12M9ImM6GWHB54RRPKIDe
Zoom Personal Meeting ID: 920 685 6248
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9206856248?pwd=ZkllR2lZckp5SHNJZWFLOXRJaDRiQT09
Zoom Password: 6fucR0
Facebook Live Stream: https://www.facebook.com/graceandfaithva
Julius Smith
757-620-0930 (texts are good)