Study Information


Study Leader:
Ann  Carlson
Study Name:
Sharper than a Two Edged Sword - 16 Lessons
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Study Location:
Archived :
Not Available
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Start Date:
Study Length:
1 Hour 30 Mins.
Date & Time Of Week:
Tuesday - 2:00 pm MST (UTC-07:00)
Co-Leader Email:

 Message for Attendees 


Welcome to our Women's Online Bible Study of Sharper Than A Two-Edged Sword!

Our first session was June 20, 2023, at 2:00pm Mountain Time. We meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, except we will not meet July 4 and Dec. 19. If a month has 5 Tuesdays (like August and October 2023), we will still meet on just the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays.

There are 16 lessons, so we'll plan to meet on these 16 dates: June 20, July 18, Aug. 1 & 15, Sept. 5 & 19, Oct. 3 & 17, Nov. 7 & 21, Dec. 5, Jan. 2 & 16, Feb. 6 & 20, March 5.

Sharper Than A Two-Edged Sword is a compilation of 16 of Andrew Wommack's foundational teachings. It's like getting a 'Cliff Notes' version of one of Andrew's books each session! Since each lesson is on a separate teaching, it makes it great to invite friends who may be interested in a particular topic, but not the whole study. It also makes it easy for people who have to miss sessions, since each session is its own teaching.

You can order the Sharper Than A Two-Edged Sword book by calling the Andrew Wommack Ministries helpline on 719-635-1111, or go to the website at As a Bible study attendee, you will receive a 20 percent discount when you use the checkout code ATT20. I also intend to supply you with a recording of me reading each chapter for those who don't have the book, or who just like to hear an audio version.

After you register, I will email you a pdf copy of the Workbook which we will use throughout the study. It would be great if you can plan to read the lesson beforehand so our time together can include good discussion and application of the material.

The day we meet, or perhaps the day before, I will be sending you a zoom link for our meeting. It will come from my personal gmail address. You can also email me any questions or comments at that email address.

I'm delighted to be able to share this excellent study with you. Expect to gain greater insights and a deeper communion with the Lord, and enjoy the company of other women.

I look forward to being together as we experience new growth and joy in our walk with God!

Ann Carlson