Study Information


Study Leader:
Wiley  Work
Study Name:
A Better Way to Pray - 21 Lessons
Child Care?:
Study Location:
Physical - US
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Start Date:
Study Length:
1 Hour
Date & Time Of Week:
Sunday - 9:00 am MST (UTC-07:00)
Co-Leader Email:

 Message for Attendees 

This study-"A better way to pray" will be held at our church, Grace Family Worship Center, located at 110 Lee Ave. behind Rivals Convenience Store, in Lamar, CO. The study is part of Charis Bible Studies, as part of Andrew Wommack's Charis Bible College in Woodland Park, CO. Andrew is celebrating his 55th year in ministry, March, 2023. I, as the instructor, am a two-year Charis Bible College graduate in the year 2020. The lessons will be held in the fellowship hall, which can be accessed from the North door of the east side of the church. Please know that anybody who would like to have a greater understanding of prayer is welcome.

If your prayer life is not working, consider changing directions. Is prayer your Christian Duty? Is prayer primarily about asking God to meet my need and the needs of others? Is God's answer to my prayer based on the degree of humility and sincerity? Is answered prayer a sovereign decision of God or do I have the ability to influence Him? Prayer isn't about begging or pleading with God to do something. Instead, it's about having a deep and meaningful connection with our Heavenly Father, which releases His blessings and power into our daily lives. Clear, scriptural answers to these questions and more could significantly change the way you pray, but if you're not getting the results you desire, consider changing directions- maybe there is a better way to pray. All of these questions and more will be answered in this study. Look forward to your being a student in the class. You are welcome to come to the class even if not part of the church. But, you must register. Blessings.