Study Information


Study Leader:
Connie  Holloway
Study Name:
Effortless Change - 19 Lessons
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Study Length:
1 Hour 30 Mins.
Date & Time Of Week:
Thursday - 7:00 pm EST (UTC-05:00)
Co-Leader Email:

 Message for Attendees 

Effortless change—it sounds impossible. Yet that’s what the Word reveals about how the kingdom of God works. Most people view change as a difficult, painful, and labor-intensive process. To their way of thinking, it takes a huge amount of effort to change their thoughts, actions, and circumstances.
Due to this, change is something they resist. It’s hard to change routines, traditions, and longstanding problems. People get stuck in ruts—ways of thinking and doing. Therefore, there’s just a natural resistance toward change.
In this book, I want to share with you some truths from the Word of God that can totally transform the way you understand and approach change. If you receive these truths into your heart and apply them to your life, you’ll be able to see change take place in your life effortlessly.

Change is easy when you can connect with others that are working on changing from the inside out as well. It's like exercising; When you are by yourself it very boring and unfulfilling and it's easy to give up. But when you surround yourself with like-minded people that are dealing with the same or similar challenges you are, it makes you want to hang in there until the end. Take a leap of faith and join other women that are making effortless changes in their lives.