Study Information


Study Leader:
Fanny  Scarbrough
Study Name:
Sharper than a Two Edged Sword - 16 Lessons
Child Care?:
Study Location:
Physical - US / Online
Study Size:
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Study Type:
Start Date:
Study Length:
1 Hour
Date & Time Of Week:
Monday - 4:00 pm PST (UTC-08:00)
Co-Leader Email:

 Message for Attendees 

I believe this combination of condensed studies may be one of the most powerful discipleship programs a person or a small group can follow.

We have all been called to be disciples and to make disciples, so if you are looking to be discipled for your own spiritual growth and understanding of the basic teachings we find in the Word of God, or if you are already looking to spread these seeds of life into others with a discipleship program, this is an excellent opportunity to get trained, by joining us online or in person - right now our ministry is in Tillamook county, Oregon and will be heading eastbound before the end of the year.

I believe that the order in which the chapters are arranged is important too. "Each chapter addresses a specific topic in an abbreviated form, making it much easier to see how these truths are related and dependent upon one another". We’ll start with salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, then the truth of who we are in the Spirit. It progresses to the true nature of God, and the authority all believers have received. We’ll cover the subject of prayer as a regular practice, how God wants you well, and other subjects that add up to 16 lessons to be covered once a week.

This will NOT be a lecture-style class, but as good disciples, we’ll be participating with questions and answers style of what we are learning as we read this book.