Welcome to the Home Page for my Charis Bible Study. Thank you for visiting my page. I attended and graduated from Charis Bible College and would love to share some of the insights/revelations with you that I received from Andrew and the other incredible instructors on Grace and Faith through my Charis Bible Study. We will be using one of Andrew Wommack’s 26 study guides to do a deeper dive into God’s love and how Grace and Faith work together. I have led bible studies for over 13 years. I look forward to getting to know you and having you as part of our Study and the discussions that we will have during each lesson. If you have any questions about my Studies, don’t hesitate to use the “Contact Email” button above to send me your questions.
You’ve Already Got It! Thanks for visiting my page. I will be combining most of the lessons to complete this study—usually 2 lessons per week. We will begin January 11, 2025 and end around April 12, 2025. Here is the link to register for this study. https://charisbiblestudies.net/study_viewinformation_view.php?id=2415 I look forward to your participation and getting to know the Lord better! Here is info on the study: Have you ever thought, I’m doing everything I know to do, what’s wrong with me? What’s it going to take to get God to move on my behalf? If you have, you’re not alone. It’s a question most Christians ask and yet remain frustrated with the answers they receive. The answers usually go something like this: If you will pray a little longer and with more sincerity, spend time fasting, read a few more chapters in the Bible every day, and quit wasting time in front of the television, then God will answer your prayers. He’s just waiting for you to shape up. In other words, your performance is the problem. The fact is, that couldn’t be further from the truth. You’ve Already Got It! Is a book filled with the good news that God’s response isn’t based on the things you must do; it’s based on what Jesus did. As you read, you’ll gain the knowledge to trust God. It’s only the truth you know that will set you free! Here is the link for more information https://www.awmi.net/reading/teaching-articles/already_got/ blessings and BIG Jesus hugs! Gayle