Welcome Friends,
Please join us as we continue more enlightening Charis Bible Studies.
We will meet at Word Life Church in Chandler as we resume in person Bible Studies on September 14, 2021
Our studies are at 6:30 pm on Tuesday evenings.
The address is:2440 E. Germann Rd. Unit 5
Chandler,AZ 85286
Please register and join us.
I can be reached at linda.davola@gmail .com with any questions about the studies.
Blessed In Him,
Linda D'Avola
Hello Friends, Please join us as we discover our Christian Philosophy or Biblical Worldview based upon the Scriptures. Be prepared to encourage and answer in love when discussing the times in which we live. We will meet at 6:30 every Tuesday night for a video, discussion, prayer and a weekly lesson. I hope to see you there. Abundant Blessings, Linda